The Best Indoor Plants for Every Room of Your Home

By OTC Editorial Team
The Best Indoor Plants for Every Room of Your Home

Indoor plants are a great way to add a touch of nature to your home. Not only do they look beautiful, but they can also help purify the air and improve your mood. However, choosing the right plant for each room can be challenging. You need to consider factors such as natural light, humidity levels, and aesthetic appeal.

In this article, we will provide you with recommendations for the best indoor plants for every room of your house. We will explain why each plant is ideal for its respective room and provide you with tips on how to care for them. Whether you’re looking for a statement piece for your living room or a relaxing plant for your bedroom, we’ve got you covered. By the end of this article, you’ll have all the information you need to create a beautiful and healthy environment in your home.


Kitchen Plants

The kitchen is a place where you cook, eat, and socialize with your family and friends. It is also a place where you need to keep the air fresh and clean, as cooking can produce smoke, grease, and odors. The best plants for the kitchen are those that can tolerate high temperatures, humidity, and occasional splashes of water. They should also have air-purifying or odor-eliminating properties or edible or aromatic qualities. Some examples of kitchen plants are:


Herbs such as basil, sage, parsley, rosemary, thyme, and oregano are easy to grow in pots on your windowsill or countertop. They require plenty of sunlight and regular watering. You can harvest them fresh whenever you need them and enjoy their aroma and flavor in your meals. Herbs also have various medicinal properties that can help with digestion, inflammation, infections, and more.

Aloe vera 

Aloe vera is a succulent plant that can grow in low to medium light and needs little water. It has thick, fleshy leaves that contain a gel-like substance that can soothe burns, cuts, and skin irritations. You can also use it as a moisturizer or a hair conditioner. Aloe vera can also purify the air by removing formaldehyde and benzene, which are common pollutants in the kitchen.

Spider plant 

Spider plant is a hardy plant that can tolerate a range of light and moisture conditions. It has long, slender leaves that arch gracefully over the pot. It produces small white flowers that develop into baby plants, or spiderettes, that you can propagate easily. Spider plants can also filter the air by removing carbon monoxide, xylene, and toluene, which are harmful gases that can come from cooking or appliances.

Living Room Plants

The living room is a place where you relax, entertain, and spend quality time with your loved ones. It is also a place where you can showcase your style and personality with some decorative plants. Here are some of the best plants for your living room:

Fiddle leaf fig 

Fiddle-leaf fig is a popular plant that can add a touch of elegance and drama to your living room. It has large, glossy leaves that resemble a fiddle or a violin. It requires bright, indirect light as well as regular watering. It can grow up to six feet tall indoors and make a statement in any space. Fiddle-leaf fig can also improve air quality by removing dust and allergens.

Snake plant 

Snake plant is a low-maintenance plant that can survive in low light and drought conditions. It has stiff, upright leaves that come in various patterns and colors. It can fit in any corner or shelf of your living room and create a modern and minimalist look. Snake plants can also oxygenate the air at night by converting carbon dioxide into oxygen, which can help you sleep better. 

Peace lily 

The Peace lily is a graceful plant that can brighten up your living room with its white flowers that resemble candles or flags. It needs medium-to-low light and moist soil. It can bloom year-round if given enough care and attention. Peace lilies can also cleanse the air by removing ammonia, formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, and other toxins that can cause headaches, nausea, and fatigue.

Bedroom Plants

The bedroom is a place where you sleep, rest, and recharge. You want plants that can promote a peaceful, calm, and comfortable environment in your bedroom. Some of the best bedroom plants include:



Lavender is a plant that has a soothing scent that can help you relax and fall asleep. It can also reduce stress, anxiety, and blood pressure levels. Lavender is easy to grow in the bedroom, as it needs plenty of light and well-drained soil. Just water it when the soil feels dry and prune it regularly to keep it compact and healthy.


Jasmine is a plant that has a sweet fragrance that can improve your mood and sleep quality. It can also lower your heart rate and increase your alertness in the morning. Jasmine is best grown in a pot near your window, as it needs bright light and moderate watering. Just make sure to protect it from cold drafts and extreme temperatures.

English Ivy  

English ivy is a plant that can purify the air and remove allergens like mold and dust mites from your bedroom. It can also reduce asthma and respiratory problems. English ivy is a trailing plant that can grow on walls, shelves, or hanging baskets. It needs bright, indirect light and moist soil to grow well. Just water it when the soil feels dry and trim it regularly to prevent overgrowth.

Bathroom Plants

The bathroom is a place where you shower, bathe, and groom yourself. You want plants that can thrive in high humidity, low light, and warm temperatures in your bathroom. The following are some of the best bathroom plants:


Orchid is a plant that can add some color and elegance to your bathroom. It can also absorb excess moisture from the air and prevent mold growth. Orchid is best grown in a pot with bark or moss as the growing medium, as it does not like soil or standing water. It needs bright, indirect light and occasional watering to bloom well. Just mist it once or twice a week or soak it in water for 15 minutes every two weeks.


Bamboo is a plant that can create a zen-like vibe in your bathroom. It can also filter toxins like formaldehyde and carbon monoxide from the air. Bamboo is easy to grow in the bathroom, as it does not need soil or much light. Just place it in a vase with water and pebbles, and change the water every two weeks or when it gets cloudy.


Fern is a plant that can add some texture and greenery to your bathroom. It can also increase the humidity level in your bathroom by transpiring water through its leaves. Fern is best grown in a hanging basket or on a shelf, as it likes to cascade down. It needs low to medium light and moist soil to grow well. Just water it when the soil feels dry and mist it regularly to keep it happy.

Home Office Plants

Your office is where you work and focus, so you want to create a productive and stimulating atmosphere. Plants can help you achieve this by improving concentration, creativity, and memory. They can also reduce stress, fatigue, and noise levels. Some of the best plants for your office are:


This plant is a symbol of resilience and perseverance, as it can survive in harsh conditions. Cactus can also inspire you to work hard and overcome challenges. Cactus prefers bright light and dry soil, so place it near a sunny window and water it rarely.


This plant is one of the easiest to grow, as it can adapt to various light levels and watering schedules. Pothos can also purify the air and remove toxins such as carbon monoxide and formaldehyde. Pothos has trailing vines that can add some greenery to your desk or shelf. Pothos likes moderately light and moist soil, so water it when the soil feels dry.

Zamioculcas Zamiifolia - The ZZ plant 

This ZZ plant is a low-maintenance, easy-to-care-for houseplant that can adapt to various light conditions, making it ideal for busy individuals. It also functions as an air purifier, removing toxins like benzene, xylene, and toluene from the indoor environment, reducing health risks. The plant's shiny, dark green leaves and symmetrical stems make it a statement piece, filling large desks or floor spaces and creating a sense of calmness and relaxation.    

Overall, it may be said indoor plants are a great way to add a touch of nature to your home, purifying the air and improving your mood. Choosing the right plant for each room can be challenging, but these recommendations can help create a beautiful and healthy environment. Kitchen plants are essential for maintaining a clean and fresh environment, with herbs like basil, mint, parsley, rosemary, thyme, and oregano having medicinal properties. Living room plants add elegance and drama like fiddle leaf fig, while snake plants can survive in low light and drought conditions. Peace lilies can brighten the room and cleanse the air. Bedroom plants like lavender, jasmine, English ivy, and orchids can create a peaceful, calm, and comfortable environment. Orchids add color and elegance to the bathroom, while bamboo creates a zen-like vibe and filters toxins. Office plants like cactus, pothos, and the ZZ plant can improve concentration, creativity, memory, and reduce stress. By choosing the right indoor plants, you can create a more pleasant, comfortable, and enjoyable living space for yourself and your loved ones.

Also, you can check out our post, "How to Create a Cozy and Inviting Outdoor Space for Any Season," for suggestions and ideas on how to have a wonderfully peaceful outside space in your house that is worry-free for any season.

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